Monday, April 30, 2007

Spider-Man3 Wallpapers (1600X1200)

Nonton, nonton refreshing dulu......
Ini dia film yang paling di tunggu -tunggu di bulan Mei,
Kapan ya main di Medan? kalo gak salah sih sekitar Tanggal 5 mei nanti (wah saya ralat ternyata besok udah premiere di Medan), udah gak sabar pingin nonton? ambil dulu wallpapernya buat di Computer....

Viewbar , Akhirnya.......

Setelah di blognya kena kecam dan di hujat habis-habisan karena waktu yang di janjikan sudah lewat batasnya, akhirnya hari ini agloco mengeluarkan Email yang isinya mengenai rilis Viewbar yang katanya dalam minggu ini pihak Agloco akan segera mengirimkan 50.000 Email setiap harinya selama 2 minggu ini.

Jadi postingan ini juga ingin memberitahukan kepada para member Agloco jika beberapa hari mendatang gak bisa di akses maka itu pertanda mereka (pihak Agloco) sedang menambah satu menu baru untuk kita mendownload Viewbar, jadi harap bersabar karena dalam berapa hari kedepan server dalam keadaan 'Out of services'.

Dan mengenai sistem referral Agloco, setiap referral kita surfing maka kita akan mendapatkan 25% dari akumulasi jamnya, misal seorang referral kita surfing maksimum 5 jam maka kita akan mendapatkan 1.25 (0.25X5) jam yang dihasilkan referral kita, Yang jadi masalah sekarang kita tidak tahu berapa hitungan 1 jam yang akan di berikan Agloco pada kita???

Okey deh kita tunggu saja berita baik dari Agloco nantinya Ganbattene!!!

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Dibayar Dollar hanya dengan melihat Iklan!!

Hari ini aku di perkenalkan teman dari luar negeri tentang Hits4Paid,
Yang menarik dari Hits4Paid adalah kita langsung mendapatkan 10 Dollar begitu mendaftar
dan tanpa menjual barang atau apapun, Tertarik ini coba baca:

HITS4PAY adalah Perusahaan Pengiklanan Internet. Ia membayar 75% dari pendapatan iklan kepada perusahaan- perusahaan yang memasang iklan. MEMANG ANEH dan TIDAK MASUK AKAL. Tapi, di zaman Internet, siapa sangka memiliki saham USD 340 sedangkan saham INTEL hanya USD 24! Kejayaan Google bergantung kepada HITS yang tinggi.

Hit Tinggi = Pendapatan Tinggi iklan = keuntungan

Dengan program ini, tiada lagi iklan percuma!! Dan anda dibayar tanpa bekerja. Cek akan dikirim apabila anda mendapat lebih dari USD 25 setiap pertengahan bulan. Jika tidak, akan dibayar ke bulan depan. Yang penting disini adalah mengembangkan referral sebanyak mungkin secara online, makin banyak orang yang anda ajak makin banyak Dollar yang akan anda dapatkan.

Langkah-langkah Mendaftar :
(1) Klik disini
(2) Klik Sign up Reward $10
(3) Kemudian masukkan Email anda pada Type In Your E-mail Here:
(4) Klik pada Verify Your Email Address, dan kemudian tunggu dalam 24 jam permohonan anda akan diproses.( tapi kalau anda langsung menerima Email lanjut.....)
(5) Setelah anda mendapatkan Email dari Hits4Paid, anda boleh segera membuka Email anda untuk mendapatkan link confirmation sebagai member Hits4pay.
(6) Setelah mendaftar klik member login dan daftar pada bagian Submit Tax Info "Click Here To Submit"
(7) Pilih category iklan yang dikehendaki. JANGAN PILIH GAMBLING, pilih iklan travel, computer , home dan lainnya
Peringatan!! Jangan mendaftar dengan 2 kali/ akun, Karena mereka bisa mendeteksinya.
Jangan masukkan 2 alamat pembayaran! anda dianggap punya 2 akun (daftar 2 kali).

"ADVERTISER AGENT" hanya dengan 5 - 10 Email sehari, UNTUK 5 MENIT SEHARI, 3 KALI SEMINGGU..


Sunday, April 15, 2007

Menunggu Viewbar

yahhh masih menunggu..........Hehe..
berita terbarunya tim pembuat Viewbar masih berada di Sanghai bekerja keras 7 hari Seminggu salut kepada mereka yang telah bekerja keras.....
Kabar baiknya begitu Viewbar dirilis, akan segera dikirimkan Email untuk kita agar kita bisa segera mendownload Viewbar, Dan nanti akan dikirimkan 50.000 Email setiap harinya jadi di harapkan seluruh Anggota Agloco sudah mendapatkan Email dan Viewbar dalam jangka 10-11 hari, Yess!! jadi gak bakalan nunggu lama2..

Ini dia kutipannya

Waiting for the Viewbar.

I have just got word from our Shanghai based tech team with an update on the Viewbar status. Most of the QA tests are going well with the exception of the ad servers. The team is currently integrating the Viewbar with the ad servers so that the Viewbar will have ads (and revenue) ready to go when it launches (it would not make too much sense to release a Viewbar that was not making any money). So, while the Viewbar is still on track for release this month, making the April 2nd to 16th window is getting more difficult – and, yes, the Shanghai team has been working seven days a week for quite a while now and will continue to do so until the Viewbar is released.

There is some good Viewbar news for most of you. As I mentioned in my last post, we are initially releasing about 50,000 Viewbars to those Members that signed up first. Our current plan is to release another 50,000 Viewbars every day until every pre-launch Member has a Viewbar (which means all Members should have their Viewbar within the first 10 – 11 days). This should alleviate some of the fears Members have expressed that they might have to wait weeks or months for their Viewbar. We recognize that there have been delays on the front end of the release, so we are trying to tighten up the back end of the release as much as possible.

Also, as some Members have correctly pointed out, AGLOCO’s early revenue will not immediately translate into cash distributions to Members. While we do not know how large our initial revenue will be, we do know that AGLOCO has operating costs to pay. It is important to remember that AGLOCO is not a “get rich quick scheme”, and we maintain that the most prudent way to build AGLOCO as a sustainable company is to calibrate Member distributions to company earnings. As such, the cash payouts will not begin until there is a comfortable balance between AGLOCO’s free cash flow and AGLOCO’s expenses. It is important to add that all Members will begin to accumulate hours from when they first start using the Viewbar (and referral hours will also be earned). Those hours will not be wasted. Both overall hours and monthly hours will be used in determining distributions to Members.

I’ll keep you posted as relevant updates continue to come up.

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team

Monday, April 9, 2007


Setelah hampir 3 bulan blogku berjalan hari ini kucoba untuk mengganti penampilan biar gak bosan lihat warna hitam melulu hehe.............
Terima kasih kepada teman- teman yang telah bergabung dengan Agloco mari kita Cia Yo!! rekrut orang sebanyak- banyaknya karena Viewbar pasti dirilis bulan ini (mari kita berdoa jangan ada halangan) dan terima kasih kepada teman teman yang pernah mengunjungin blog pertamaku ini terutama kepada Dewy Shanty, terima kasih telah memperkenalkan Agloco dan blog ini kepada teman- teman, Terima Kasih semuanya.
Oh ya kemarin aku membuat Blogku yang ke 5 dengan tema Box Office Posters jadi kalau teman-adayang ingin mencari poster-poster film gratis silahkan kunjungin blog ku disini.

Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Viewbar segera di rilis!!!!

Viewbar segera dirilis di bulan April ini (horeee .............)
member yang boleh mendownload duluan adalah yang awalan ID nya dari BBBB ke BBBF jadi siapa yang mendaftar
lebih awal boleh duluan mendownload dan akan diberitahukan oleh pihak Agloco melalui email (yaitu kira-kira 50.000 orang) selanjutnya member lain akan di email jika akunnya telah disetujui untuk Viewbar.
Viewbar akan tersedia untuk Windows Vista, XP, and 2000. dan untuk Mac dan Linux akan segera menyusul.
Viewbar v.1.0 sangat simpel dan milimalis tetapi tetapi mempunyai kemampuan Auto Update
begitu anda menginstal Viewbar, maka Viewbar anda akan melakukan Update dan penambahan baru dari fitur yang tersedia.

Ini cuplikan selengkapnya atau kunjungin blog resmi Agloco disini.

Viewbar Details

April 3, 2007 at 10:30 pm · Filed under News & Updates

April is upon us, and as we have mentioned previously on this blog, the Viewbar is slated for release this month. We will be sending an email directly to each Member when their account is authorized for Viewbar download with more detailed information regarding the software release. Here are a few initial details:

The Download Process: As we have discussed, we will be releasing the Viewbar first to Members who joined first. Currently, the plan is to have the Viewbar first be available to Members with ID#s beginning in BBBB to BBBF (as well as Members with an ID# beginning in “AGLO”). This is about 50,000 Members. We will then continue releasing the Viewbar to more and more Members in the order in which they signed up (again, all Members will be notified by email when their account is authorized for Viewbar download).

Multiple Users on One Viewbar: As stated previously, multiple Members may use the same Viewbar on the same computer. Only one Viewbar download will be necessary as the Viewbar software will enable each Member to log in and log out using their AGLOCO Member ID# and password (obviously, only one Member ID# can be accumulating Viewbar hours at any one time).

Initial Launch for Windows: The initial Viewbar release will be for Windows Vista, XP, and 2000. Later, we will release Mac and Linux versions of the Viewbar. Until that occurs, Mac/Linux users can still log onto any supported Windows computer and accumulate their five hours. Hopefully, five hours a month (about 10 minutes a day on average) on a Windows-based computer can be manageable until the Mac version can be released.

Seamless Updates: The v1.0 Viewbar is purposely simplistic and minimalist, but it also comes equipped with an automatic self-updating feature. Once you download the Viewbar for the first time, your Viewbar will be seamlessly updated with new additions and features as they become available.

Revenue and Ad Deals: As a member of the revenue team, I am happy to report that we now have agreements with 17 ad networks. These agreements plus some direct advertising deals provide AGLOCO with thousands of advertisers with thousands of ads for the Viewbar software.

Also, AGLOCO had a record day of new Member signups yesterday – just wanted to thank all for you who have been supporting AGLOCO with your continued recruiting efforts.

We’re about to launch! I am very excited, I hope you are too.

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team.

Okey jadi yang belum mendafttar klik disini untuk Daftar.
Makin cepat anda mendaftar makin cepat anda mendapatkan Viewbar dan makin cepat pula anda menghasilkan Dollar!!
Let the games begin… (soon)
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