Sunday, March 25, 2007

Viewbar Update!!

Yup ini update terbaru Viewbar, jadwal rilisnya adalah Tanggal 2 April s/d 16 April (kira2 12 dan 26 hari dari sekarang) wahh udah gak sabar nih.... Mudah mudahan aja Viewbar nya nanti rilis tepat waktu seperti yang di janjikan oleh: Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team
ini dia cuplikannya dari blog resmi Agloco:

Viewbar Update: The engineers have informed me that the Viewbar release is currently scheduled for between Monday April 2 and Monday, April 16 (between 12 and 26 days from now.) I will keep you posted as I continue to hear word from them on progress. As they continually remind me, this is all dependent on the results of QA testing.

Thanks again for all your recruiting efforts. AGLOCO continues to grow faster and faster, as every new week that passes brings a new record week for signups (and last week was no exception).

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team

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